Tuesday, January 29, 2013

No-Sew Pillow!!!

Okay-so I'm trying to get crafty people. And I don't mean Amy Taylor (dear sister) crafty. That girl could pull a toilet out of the dumpster and make it cute. (I must blog one day about all her creations.) I just want to be able to do some simple things to "customize" my space. Painting candlesticks and making throw pillow covers is on the list of DIY this week. I have so many throw pillows that are from different "eras" of my decorating tastes and I hate to just chunk them! Throw pillows are expensive! Plus, I have lots of leftover fabric that matches my dining chair covers. So to "marry" the dining room & living room together, I was determined to use some of this fabric to make covers for my existing throw pillows. After I priced this project with some professionals, I decided to get crafty.....and so I found a blog where a girl used hem tape to make an "easy and adorable" envelope type pillow cover. It looked fool proof, so off to the Hobby Lobby with my 40% Off Coupon I went. $1.50 and 2 hours later this is what I ended up with....

The cover came out shockingly good & secure!!! The problem was that the pillow was too FAT for the case! (Should have measured extra room for the width of the hem tape.) I looked like I was stuffing a turkey! So after I got The Big Lebowski out of the case I balled up one of my old *magic pillows (definition below) and it fit perfect!  Here's the end product:

And the back actually does close! It's good enough for me! It really wasn't that hard, but I'm going to keep my eye out for a sewing machine.  : )

Magic Pillow: The term "magic pillow" originally came the softest set of down pillows that my Grammy & Big Jack had at their house. They told me that the pillows were magic and if I layed down on them they would make me go to sleep! And like any kid wanting to be a victim of magic, I MAGICALLY, I did fall asleep! Hmmm.....Ladies and Gentlemen, the only magic here was this idea by my grandparents! What a genius way to get the kids to hush and go to sleep!!! HA! So anyway, when I was 11, Grammy & Big Jack gave me my own set of magic pillows! I was elated. And hooked. Ya'll, if Jeremie didn't just make me buy a new pillow when we got married (for the health of my spine), I'd probably still be sleeping on them, even though they have worn down flat as a flitter. I could never bring myself to throw the pillows away, so I was thrilled that one has been re-purposed for this throw pillow! And once we do have kids, I WILL be putting this thing back to work!  

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