That weekend my in-laws came for Greyson's birthday party weekend. (My grandmother was really sick, so mine weren't able to come.)
They showed up with a brand new cowboy costume, which CLEARLY was a hit.
We left the grands to night time duty and peeled out on two wheels to a new restaurant called Mesero at Legacy West.
It was SO NICE to have a date night with my man. |
On Saturday we celebrated our big THREE year old with his very own Firetruck themed party. We started off with cake and gifts and then walked to the Fire Station across the street for a tour.
It was a big hit; you can read all about Chief Greyson's throw down here.
In a random twist of fate, we ended up in Waco the next week. My parents had actually tried to book a VRBO there twice, and with my grandmother being sick, they just weren't able to make it. So instead of canceling, my friend Ashley and I took our little people for a little getaway. Of course, our first stop was the Silos!
This was my second time at the Silos, and second time it was randomly blazing hot in a season that shouldn't be. #TEXAS. It was also a normal weekday during school season, and y'all, this place is just plum dee CROWDED. It's insane. Definitely worth a visit, but the store is super hard to physically navigate, especially with a toddler. I grabbed my "Texas Forever" shirt and got the heck out of Dodge.
We didn't get to explore too much (because #toddlers), but there are a ton of other amazing antique/decor/boutique stores in Waco to hit up. We did make it into Spice Village, which was adorable and I could have stayed for hours!
Instead of trying to shop and tie the toddlers down to their strollers, we went to Waco's Cameron Park Zoo, which was absolutely precious! It was beautiful, well-kept, and had some wonderful exhibits! We did the entire zoo in about an hour and half and it's super toddler-walking friendly if that makes sense. If you have a little one and are in Waco, I highly suggest a trip to the zoo!
Photobombed by a giraffe!!!! |
The kids were troopers and ended each day with a little Mickey Mouse clubhouse.
In another twist of fate, that week we found out we were having a GIRL!!!!! (More on that later.) I immediately knew the colors I wanted to use and scored this beautiful painting and randomly found the perfect matching bumper at Babies R Us!
And then we had a little fun with our "Gender Reveal" and had G use his "magic wand" to light a Christmas tree up in PINK lights! (Heaven knows I wasn't going to attempt a piñata again.) It was adorable.
And that week was Lil G's turn to catch the cold. So high fever and no school for us! By Thursday I was losing my mind and we escaped to the library for some puppet show fun.
And by Friday, we figured it had run it's course enough, and since we already had tickets and room, we hit the road for Fayetteville, Arkansas to watch the Dawgs play the Hawgs.
The Oklahoma skies were breathtaking! |
We spend the afternoon cuddled up. These two are my whole heart.
The next day was of course beautiful, so we found a darling little park and rode around Ft. Smith, which is were we stayed; about an hour outside of Fayetteville.
We absolutely fell in love with the beautiful little town! We rode around some of the old neighborhoods, and spent some time in their downtown area by the Fort's historic park.
And we stumbled upon a little western town replica, where some folks with full Old West gear were sitting with a horse and buggy. We got to talking and they were actually shooting a movie in Ft. Smith that day and were waiting on the call for their shot. They asked if we wanted to take a ride around the block in the meantime.....
We even picked out a house...#yesplease
On the way back, we passed a huge prison in Oklahoma, and we DIED when we spotted this road sign....YEP.
We also got a chance to use our first "Posh" Luxury Restroom Rentals at a gas station. Seriously, can't make this stuff up.
That week was Thanksgiving, and we did our traditional meal as usual. I was starting to feel bad, but pushed through and we really had a great day. Making memories on days like this is seriously my favorite thing ever.
Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. |
Can't wait for Baby Taylor to be at the table next year! |
And yes, these little tantrums are part of the memories. GEEZ. Mama cooked for 2 days and he was throwing a fit because we tried to get him to eat more than a roll. |
This year I FINALLY executed a tradition that I have been wanting to "enforce" for years (let's face it, most traditions are forced, right?). I got a light colored table cloth, some fabric pens, and every year for Thanksgiving, I want everyone around the table to sign it, and write what they are thankful for. (Exceptions are: NO GIRLFRIENDS OR BOYFRIENDS signing until they are married. I'm not having teenage lover's quarrels every year.) Anyway, I read that a family did this for like over 30 years, and they had so many friends and family's signatures, even some that had passed away, so it was super special. Anyway, my new found tradition went fairly well.
We asked G what he was thankful for, and he said "All of you."....MELTING... |
Here is Jeremie's...very appropriate... |
And I angst-ed over what to write for the LONGEST time. Honestly, I wanted to say I was thankful that the terrible two's were over, but I felt like that might hurt Greyson's feelings in the future. So I tried to put a positive spin on it, and after all that thought, I was the one who messed up my writing.
Totally left out the word "patience" and had to squeeze it in . INSERT BIG EYE ROLL. Jeremie laughed and laughed that I was the one to mess up the beautiful new traditional table cloth.
I was REEEEEALLLY starting to feel bad by that afternoon, but yet again, against my better judgement, we muscled through the "Home For the Holidays" event in downtown McKinney, because it's just so darn
Greyson was OBSESSED with the humongous Frosty bounce house this year. Last year he lost his mind in there and J had to go rescue him.
This year we kept telling him through the window that it was TIME TO GO, but he wouldn't come out! So yet again, J had to crawl in the bouncy house for a retrieval mission. Those things look terrifying inside to me with 50,000 bouncing kids, but they all seem to be having the time of their lives.
Their enormous tree was absolutely gorgeous, but G was having none of my photo shoot.
By that afternoon, my sinuses were hurting so bad that my teeth hurt. I know that sounds crazy, but if you have bad sinuses, you get it.
As crazy as it sounds, we put up a few Christmas decorations the next day....because toddlers don't stop for your sickness, and honestly, opening up boxes full of fun decorations kept him occupied. I'll share our (barely) finished product in my December recap! It felt like we were taking it down as soon as we put it up this year. : (
I finally gave in to taking some antibiotics, bought a Mist Inhaler (AMAZING!), and started rounding the corner by the next week. Praise the LAWD. It was a bad one.
In some better news, Jeremie's partner snatched us some Cowboys tickets the next week and we finally got to attend our first NFL GAME! The stadium is CRAZY, the atmosphere is electric, and it was so fun to watch DAK!
I figured this was the perfect place for my next bump picture! (I was determined to SQEEEEEZZEE into my Prescott jersey!)
In the last piece of November news, we finally transferred Greyson to a toddler bed. I really think the child would have stayed in a crib until he was 16; he NEVER attempted to climb out. But this thing is going back to being a crib for Baby Taylor, so it had to happen. Fortunately, I think I waited so long, that there wasn't any transition! He's a champ!
Okay! Whew! That's all I got for November! I'm so happy to cross another Monthly Recap off the list and will have December coming at-cha soon!
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