Here we go with February! (I gotta get a move on if I'm gonna catch up!)
I LOVED looking through February's pictures! Looking back, it was such a fun month! I love February because the January/post-Christmas blues are gone, we have settled back into our routine, and everyone has essentially already broken their New Years resolutions, so I don't feel the pressure to CONQUER THE WORLD in the New Year anymore. (Seriously, social media in January just kills me.)
We kicked off February with our very first wedding here in the Wells household. I'm not sure where Greyson got inspired to play "wedding", but he picked out some "fancy clothes" for ALL of us and I officiated in "the pretty room". (Clearly, Greyson did not pick out fancy shoes for me.) Manny was the witness and there was even dancing and a reception afterwards, that consisted of squeezables and goldfish.
The wedding made Greyson INSIST that he needed his own blazer (instead of wearing his dad's) so we headed to the consignment shop and hit the jackpot. Taylor picked out a princess dress and these two were just cute as buttons.
Valentine's Day followed shortly after and Greyson had the sweetest little party at school and we went to Playstreet afterwards with friends.
Taylor made the cutest little construction worker
In the most romantic turn of events, Jeremie actually had a business trip to LAS VEGAS during Valentine's Day. Honestly, after 11 year of marriage, I was fine with it. Until he started texting me the "company events" he had to attend in the evening, like AN AEROSMITH CONCERT. And then a little while later he text me saying: "Have you ever heard of a group name Lady Antebellum?"
. He made up for it by sending flowers and Tiff's Treats.
Nothing like a warm cookie delivered to your door.
We did Valentine's crafts and then the kids passed out from sugar coma.
After bedtime, I sat down to eat some more cookies in peace and decided to re-heat them on my cute little Valentine's plates.
Unfortunately, those shiny little sliver hearts are foil material. So you can just imagine what happened after 30 seconds in the microwave. You wanna see a mama move??? I honestly wasn't so panicked about the house catching on fire as I was loosing the last Snickerdoodles. But thankfully, they survived. And the house didn't burn down.
We also made a fun trip to the Dallas World Aquarium with the Swope crew. (Not pictured is one sweet little baby girl that is now added to the Swope crew!)
Baby Shark...
In another twist of fate, I landed a ticket to the most amazing event, the IF GATHERING, which is a Christian conference that was created by a local Dallas woman, Jennie Allen. The lineup was some of my favorites like Beth Moore, Ruth Chou Simons, Ann Voskamp, etc. It was absolutely incredible. Jeremie happened to be taking Greyson to the MS Rodeo with his family that weekend, so Lil T got to hang with a sitter while I worshipped....
And ate some HOME COOKIN' by myself during lunch break.
Meanwhile, Greyson was clearly living his best Rodeo life...
The Dixie National Rodeo was a tradition for Jeremie's family for years, so this year, they revived it!
Jeremie's BIG BIRTHDAY (the one that comes after THIRTY-NINE) was up next and we had a great time celebrating him all week! We opened gifts, had cake, and went to the Arboretum.
Greyson loved the inflatable walker....Jeremie...not so much...
The kids love "helping" open presents
When we returned from the Arboretum, I knew Jeremie's business partner had a "surprise" for him, which was a really fun/huge Happy Birthday yard sign...
But little did I know the rest of the surprise until this guy showed up at our door a few minutes later...
A REAL LIVE singing telegram. I've never experienced one before but this guy was hilarious. He started out signing "Who Let the Dawgs Out", and then just kept was awesome.
The rest of Jeremie's gift was a trip to Big Cedar Resort in Branson, MO, which actually fell in that's for next time!
Here's the rest of our random shenanigans in February:
These themed box stickers were so much fun!
These two were curled up watching a movie together and they just looked so big and little at the same time! Sweet sweet...
Boys lunch date : )
Donuts with Dad at school. Jeremie's little princess...
Texas Baby
Greyson's favorite park: The "tank" park (He's up there, but you can't see him..because he's in camoflauge)
Greyson created his own Elsa outfit and stuck that hat on poor Taylor to be Olaf : )
Taylor representing Daddy's company
And apparently during February...(I put a quick stop to this) the kids were OBSESSED with playing in my bathroom.
And that's February! We all know what March brought....DUN DUN DUN... So THANK YOU, FEBRUARY.