Our new black and tan Aussie mix is our new pride and joy. We adopted Manny from the Bainbridge Humane Society. Bainbridge was the third shelter I went to, and when I walked in and saw that little sad face and wagging tail, I knew Manny was our guy. (BTW, Jeremie had originally found a picture of him online, which led me to Bainbridge......I know J will point out that HE found Manny.)
Here is our Little Buddy.

Since Jeremie was on call the day I went Puppy Shopping, he gave me specific criteria to follow with picking out a new pooch. NO shedder, NO "yappy" dog, and NOTHING with the name "chihuahua" or "pit bull". A short "interview with Manny proved that he was a little shy, loved belly rubs, and licking your face. I loaded him up, picked up all things puppy at Wal-Mart, and took him home to his new daddy.
Manny already loved his new home and was "marking his territory" everywhere. Much to our pleasure, none of this marking happened in the house.....
That evening we had dinner at a friends house who have 2 much larger dogs, but they all got along great and by the end of the night, Manny was making him self at home sitting on THEIR dog's beds and eating their dogs food.....
We went bed in complete bliss that we had landed a no barking, no shedding, a good socialite dog. THEN....squealing, barking, whining, crying, and every imaginable noise a dog can make emanated from Manny's crate. He was going nuts. Not knowing how long this would last, my only thought was "this was a big mistake." The good news is that Manny's fit didn't last long and he is now sleeping quietly.
Jeremie absolutely loves his little buddy. Jeremie has actual conversations with him, they go on long walks in the woods together, and even cuddle a little. (Should I be worried?)