Of course I'll blame it on our busy life, as if it's any busier than the average American, but most of all, I'd like to give a shout out to our turtle speed internet. Makes for difficult blogging. But that's what you get when you decide to live in the middle of nowhere, where the only place to receive an internet connection is from a satellite in space....more middle of nowhere.
Anyway, we've been enjoying spring and summer in Tallahassee. Everything is in bloom and beautiful. I would say our most interesting happening recently was our anniversary vacation in April. (Yes, I'm in denial that it's July already, so I still consider April "recent".)
Instead of the average vacationer that goes to one place, stay's there for a whole week, and lays by the beach, we try to see just how many miles we can put on our car and how many states we can go through in this short period of time. We left Tally and head for Starkville for Super Bulldog Weekend. This is almost a religious experience for Jeremie. Even though the 7 hour drive was not technically on the way to Asheville, NC, there was no question that we were going. We should get extra points on our Bulldog Club membership for this. Anyway, we had a great time in Starkvegas, got see some State sports, friends, family, and do I even need to mention ate Cheesesticks at the Grill. (The NEW grill-very nice!) Jeremie and I even went for a walk around campus and went into the chapel, which was the first time we'd been in there since we said our vows....Ya'll know me...I cried...
Being on campus never gets old.
We then headed to Gatlinburg, TN. (Another 5 hours.) There, we ate as much pancakes as we could, found an incredible pizza place, and went to Ripley's Believe it or Not. I realize this isn't a romantic venue for an anniversary trip, but we had a blast....

We also hit up Dollywood, and I braved (stomached might be a better word) all the roller coasters. J and I love looking at the pictures after we get off the rides. He looks like a kid on Christmas. LOVES it. I on the other hand look like I am doing my very best not to loose my lunch on the person in front of me, God bless them. The funny thing is that I really do enjoy them. I'm just not the hold your hands over your head type of person. If SOMETHING goes wrong, I WILL be the person still clinging to the safety bar for dear life. I feel like my approach still gives me a small chance to live if the cart gets stuck upside down in the Ring of Fire.
Anyway, after Gatlinburg, we headed to Asheville, NC, which was supposed to be a 2 hour drive but was more like 4. We took the scenic route, which was incredible. Can't really go past 30 MPH, but the mountains are so beautiful, you wouldn't want to. (We even saw a little bear on the side of the road! )

The only negative thing: being a MS girl, I packed appropriately for the end of April: tanks and shorts. It's close to 95 degrees by that time of year in the South. Well, it was like 42 degrees at one point on our trip, so we had to hit up Belk for some warmer items. (Not that I minded shopping though.)
We stayed in a beautiful hotel in Lake Lure about 30 minutes outside of Asheville. Charming. It was about 5 minutes from where they filmed Dirty Dancing, for all you fans. The first day we went to the Biltmore, which is something EVERYONE should see. Not just for girls. It's amazing. Jeremie's activity pick was whitewater rafting, which was a blast. When he told me the river we were going on, he said "Don't worry, the biggest drop is only 40 feet, but it's not all at one time." Of course I immediately starting yelling and about called the place to cancel. Of course he was joking...... We also went hiking at Chimney Rock Park which was breathtaking. Totally showed me how out of shape I was, but a good time.

The ride home was long, but that goodness for books on CD. And Krispy Kreme. Jeremie and I tallied the states we'd been through, and it was 5. We pretty much visited the Southeastern Conference.
We had so much fun and it was wonderful spend some quality time with my wonderful husband who loves to travel and see new things just as much as I do. I am blessed.