Yay! I'm so excited to finally be blogging about our little adventure! It feels like time has flown since we found out we were pregnant, but on the flip side, it feels like I was keeping it a secret FOREVER! So I'll start from the beginning.....
Jeremie and I found out we were expecting on Thursday, February 20th! I really didn't think I was pregnant because I was feeling the usual "crumminess", but after a couple days of waiting, I picked up a box of tests.(The makers of these things must know shocked a positive result makes you because they come in a 2 pack.) I had decided to wait until J got home before I took it, and I tried SO HARD not to think about it all day. He finally got home and didn't even change clothes. I got everything set up and told him to be the timekeeper. (Test results take 3 minutes.) So I took it....and we waited...it was the longest and most awkward 3 minutes of our marriage. What in the world do you do/talk about while you wait to see if you're gonna have a child? Oddly enough, we nervously talked about my pantry makeover, what we were having for supper, etc. The timer went off and I bolted to the bathroom! When I saw the two lines I started screaming/crying/freaking out and J joined me. (Well, maybe not AS dramatic as me.) I made him look at the test like 50 times to make sure I wasn't crazy! (I still took the backup the next day to make sure I was "still pregnant".
JUST FOR FUN...I took my first "belly" picture that night. I can't decide if I love myself or hate myself for taking this...look at that flat belly.......that ship has already sailed....
That weekend, I immediately went out and bought these 2 books. What to Expect is like the Bible for pregnant women. I have heard a lot of gals say this book was overwhelming to them, but I just read a little at a time about what stage I'm in. I feel like it really helps to "affirm" some of the pregnancy symptoms without freaking you out about every little thing. I ONLY refer to this book because it covers everything. I do NOT Google. Because we all know what happens when you Google a symptom. So I highly recommend this book. The other book is more girly and fun with lots of colors and fun facts. A quick but informational read.
Now the hard part began! Since it is my first pregnancy, I wanted to wait until our first appointment to tell our families and close friends. Unfortunately, what should have been a 2.5 week wait was a 3.5 week wait because my doctor was out on Spring Break for a week. When I called to make the appointment the little teeny-bopper receptionist was like "Okay! Got you on the calendar! We'll see you in 3 weeks!" And I was like "Wait just a second....I'm pregnant. I've never been pregnant. What do I do between now and then? Isn't there some kind of Starter Kit?!!" I know she rolled her eyes like she does at every first time mom, but she graciously had the doctor call me to answer my questions.
I immediately started a countdown on our chalkboard at 22 days! I was SO EXCITED when it said "0" on Monday, March 17th!
Our first appointment was a whirlwind. I was a mix of frozen/emotional mess. The FIRST thing that kicked off the appointment was the sonogram! No weight, blood pressure, etc, to warm us up.....we immediately walked into this room with the big chair, big machine, and big monitor on the wall and I about had a heart attack! I started crying before I even got in the chair! About 30 seconds later, we saw this......and we were both amazed....we got to meet our 8.5 week old little Nugget! (Oh, we also found out on this day that our due date is October 26th.)
And now the REALLY hard part began! We wanted to tell our parents, but my dad was on a business trip all week and I just couldn't tell them separately. And we didn't want J's parents to have to keep the secret all week. So on Friday, we FINALLY got to share the news with our families! We used this picture to break the news. We actually got to Facetime my parents (I made up a reason I needed both of them in front of the screen) and it was a hoot. I could hear my mom scream from Mississippi.
And when SHE got to break the news to her friends (after our 12 week appointment) she sported this shirt. Really wish she was more excited. ; )

In regards to the pregnancy itself, it has actually been really good. I only got sick 3 times one day when I was about 7 weeks and that was it! (I am totally fine with the one and done method.) I have had some general nausea, but nothing a Ginger Ale didn't fix. Other than that, I have experienced the exhaustion that everyone talks about. I turn into a pumpkin about 5:30 every day. (This has resulted in lots of grilled cheese sandwiches for supper.) As far as food, I pretty much want to eat everything in sight. At this point, I crave savory/hearty/carb-filled stuff like pizza, Mexican, french toast, concession stand nachos, bread, chips, etc. I actually find myself dreaming about food. (I sorta think I did that before I was pregnant though; I love food.) Jeremie has done an incredible job of taking me to the restaurant/craving of my choice each week. (Let's face it, I'm sure it's not torture for him to go eat pizza and hamburgers) These items have especially made the A++ list:
Even though we don't know the gender yet, I of course have indulged in some baby shopping. I sorta have a crib and nursery chair picked out. The chair was so comfortable that I spent like 25 minutes in it the other day while chatting with another pregnant mama at Babies R Us. And I couldn't resist these little items; they were like $5....if it's a girl, I'll just give away the little outfit on the right. (For those wondering, we will find out the gender in June.)
I will post my belly progress pictures in the next post. I am not really "showing" yet (to the general public) but I can definitely tell and feel my belly rounding! Some stretchy pants are already just not stretchy enough! We are SO excited about our little nugget and the blessing it will be to be parents. Thanks to all who have been praying us and our little one through this first trimester!
(This was Baby Wells' first baseball game where I indulged in above mentioned nachos.)