Whew! Somebody pinch me that it is late August!!! As EXCITED I am that Fall is on the way (for MANY reasons), can I get an Amen that this year has flown by!?
July and August have been super busy for us, especially now that we are at the 10 WEEK countdown until Baby Greyson arrives! In July, we headed to Mississippi to celebrate J's Grandad's 80th Birthday and I stayed an extra week for a couple of fabulous baby showers.
During the week I managed to squeeze in a trip to Hudson's, a relaxing day by my in-laws new pool, a slumber party with my Grammy and Big Jack, and a visit with these gals and their precious month old babies!!!!
Meg with Baby Jaxon on the left and Kelly with Baby Iris on the right! |
Shower #1 took place at Jeremie's parents' house, hosted by Mama Cate and Lauren.
Greyson is already spoiled by his Nona and Auntie. |
The shower was just precious. When I walked in and saw the cake, I almost lost it! Even though we'd picked out Greyson's name weeks before, this was the first time I actually saw his monogram in writing!!!
Everyone filled out these sweet cards which they read before I opened their gift! These will be so sweet to look back at for years to come.
Greyson got spoiled with everything from tiny onesies to burpcloths to his first cowbell! Having the first shower really made everything feel so real!
All of Grandmother's "girls".... |

And even though me and my other thirds are all smiles in this picture, it was quite the day for us prior to the shower. Mary and I had spent the night with Meg the night before, a slumber party that we had be anxiously awaiting for weeks. But our wild nights are of the past. Between two babies and a tired pregnant woman, we were all in bed by 11:00. The next day we managed to get out of the house by noon for lunch and a quick trip to Hudson's. We headed back to Meg's to get ready for the shower when Baby Jaxon started getting a little fussy. As Mary and I were finishing up primping in the bathroom, we heard Meg screaming for us from the nursery. So I went running towards her, Mary behind me yelling to "Stop running! You're pregnant!" Well, sweet Jaxon had lost his lunch all over his mama. My first reaction was to grab the pukey baby off his mama. Well, my pregnancy nausea kicked in immediately when I smelled it on Jaxon. So I started screaming for Mary to grab the baby before I also joined in the puking. We were a hot mess!
Shower #2 was at my mom's house and hosted by my Aunt Susan, cousin Holly & Amy.
This shower had a "train" theme.....more darling decorations and precious cake!!!
My Grammy really pulled a fast one on me at this shower. The above picture is me opening a gift that was a box of "Millionaires" which were always my FAVORITE chocolate/caramel candies that my Grammy would have at her house. My face obviously shows my JOY over receiving some chocolate. She quickly corrected me and said it was just the box...there was really a gift for Greyson inside. Although I appreciated the little plastic key toy inside, I was slightly disappointed there were no Millionaires.
It was such a fun shower and I felt so blessed by all the thoughtful gifts for our little guy.
At the end of the week, we packed all the gifts in Mom's car, and looking like the Clampetts, Mom and Dad toted me back to Dallas. It was so fun to lay everything out on the dining table to show Jeremie! He was totally overwhelmed!
Thanks to everyone for putting their time and energy into these showers! We are SO BLESSED, not only by your gifts, but your love, support, and prayers along the way! Love ya'll!