Well ya'll, the party's over....literally. We celebrated Greyson's birthday last weekend and I officially have a TWO YEAR OLD. Mind blown. His second year definitely went by quicker than his first. And my family will attest to this....I was MUCH more emotional for his second birthday. Every time we talked about it I got all weepy. And then Jeremie asked me to say the lunch prayer. Pretty sure God is the only one who knew what I was saying between my ugly cry. His
first birthday, I remember just laying in bed and telling Jeremie: "We DID it. We all officially lived through the first year". Peace out. The second was just so much FUN; there were so many milestones, and it was kinda hard to close the door on that chapter. But I know another fun one is comin.....
Anyway, Greyson's birthday party was on Saturday, and ya'll KNOW how I feel about throwing a party. Not much fills my heart like a theme party. And I don't do it because I feel like I
have to OR to impress OR because of Pinterest. (
SOME things I do attempt because of Pinterest, like mixing prints, making my own sand or toddler arts and crafts...ya'll know how all that turned out.) I loved theme parties LONG before you, Pinterest. And if I had unlimited funds I would've done even more details!
Per his obsession, Greyson's party was a "Train" theme this year. Lil G loves him a train. If J and I mention a train ride, we better deliver, and I thank the LadyBug Express at
The Shops at Willow Bend for helping us out of a fix often. ; )
We did an "off-site" party this year and rented a room at the
Sports and Rec Center of a nearby church. (
Locals: they rent this room out to anyone and were super friendly!)
The party was a BLAST and I think all the kids (and adults) had a great time! Now prepare for photo overload!
I did a photo board last year with the obligatory "monthly sticker" pics. I didn't take an official "monthly" pic this year (really, nobody knows nor cares what 20 months is), but of course there was no shortage of pictures. It was really fun to see how much G has grown and changed over the past year. |
My super talented sista made that painting. I did NOT inherit the artistic gene... |
But I DID wrap some floral foam to spell the words "CHOO CHOO". #creativenotartistic |
I pulled out some trains from G's toy box at the last minute for "centerpieces" and they ended up being the biggest hit because all the kids went straight for them! |
Didn't the Kroger Bakery do the most AMAZING job on his cake? AND it was delicious!!! |
I found this cardboard train at Oriental Trading....it was ADORABLE.....the reviews warned that it would probably be "disposable" by the end of the party and...it was. But the kids had the BEST time in it and "Choo-choo-ed" around the room many times. Made for an adorable photo booth!
G actually huffed and puffed and blew his candles out! I was shocked that he knew what to do, but I guess reading The Three Little Pigs 53,482 times paid off. |
Greyson was NOT shy this year with the sweets....he dove into the cupcake! Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. #justgivemethechocolate |
Opening presents around multiple toddlers is like a version of The Hunger Games. The twins wanted to "help"......I.E. OPEN all the gifts for Greyson. Which actually was a big help. |
Boys and their toys. Been hanging with these guys since birth pretty much. |
The other amazing part about the Sports and Rec center was the attached playground outside. It was a beautiful day, so we headed out after gifts.
Just look at that little big boy. Melting. |
Someone please come pick my heart up off the floor. |
Sunday was Greyson's actual birthday and he requested a cupcake for breakfast....so a cupcake he gets...with a side of tractor. |
We headed to one of our favorites,
Preston Trail Farms, for a little fun with all the grandparents. (All four of our parents were in town...so fun!)
Pop (my dad) and his little farmhand on the hayride. |
Me and J felt like we had a hands-free mini-date with all the grandparents around! |
Between the four of them, we pretty much never get to hold our child. ; ) |
After nap time, Greyson came downstairs (to our family chorus of Happy Birthday) and opened more gifts. He also has an obsession with firetrucks, so everybody pitched in to outfit him in a hat, boots and his very own firetruck.
We haven't revealed to him that the hose can actually spray water.
This has really been one of of my favorite years ever. We have loved this stage and it's just amazing to watch how Greyson's little mind is growing at lightning speed. Can't wait to see what year three brings! We love you with all our hearts Greyson Thomas!