This of course caused a famous emotional breakdown, which just happened to occur over a dinner of roast and potatoes. After I burst into tears, Jeremie gave me the reassuring: "the foods really good, honey" look. I assured him I knew the food was good, but I was just frustrated and didn't feel like starting all over again looking for somewhere to live. But we didn't have a choice, so the next day we reluctantly (and bitterly might I add) started looking for rental homes. We refused to live in another apartment; we enjoy the outdoors too much! Jeremie and I rode around town that Saturday rolling in self pity that we had to house hunt again. We were tired, disappointed, and most of all, very grumpy. We were not unhappy with each other, just the situation. (Later, we reminded ourselves that a house is a material thing, we should be counting our blessings, instead of whining...)
Later in the week, we found a couple possibilities, and for the mere fact that we wanted to go home for Thankgiving (which would require us to move that weekend) we decided to settle for a house in the middle of town, and sign a six month lease until we figured out what step to take next. It wasn't our optimal choice, but the alternative was homelessness! Time was ticking away, and we only had a few more days to find something and move. On Thursday, during another close-to-emotional-breakdown at work, I stopped what I was doing, told God I couldn't worry about it anymore, and asked him to just take care of it. About 30 minutes later, a work friend of mine called and we got to talking about our house situation. He told me he had something in mind for us, and said he'd call me back in a few minutes. Next thing I knew, Jeremie was heading out to meet him and the owner of the possible rental. This is what he found us:

Needless to say, we were pretty darn excited. The cabin is on a man's property who owns about 400 surrounding acres. There is a pond, live oaks, and according to Jeremie, most importantly, a "Man Cave" downstairs. We felt relieved and BLESSED. Jeremie pointed out that the situation should remind us of how out of control we are, and how in control God is!
We love being out in the country and having so much room to "play". The picture above is before we moved in, so I have "re-decorated". We like to call it "Lodge Wells"......