The other night our Sunday School group got together for a little friendly competition. Actually, the Christmas Carol Pictionary with this group got a little ugly, so I expected no different.
The night was of course complete with a ton of food, and we proceeded to split into our Girl/Guy Teams. The first game was Family Feud on the Wii. I used to watch Family Feud all the time, so I was pretty confident. I will admit, the boys were impressive. As embarrassed as I am to say this-"hitting the buzzer" and typing your answer was the hardest part! If you've ever used a Wii remote, you understand! Of course the boys were not humble about their win.
The next game up was Taboo-the one where you are given a card with a word and have to hint to your team what the word is without using particular related words, that are listed below the one you are trying to get them to guess. Girls completely dominated at this game....possibly because we are so darn good at talking. ; )
One of the of funnier parts of this game to me was when it was Jeremie's turn. Jeremie's word that he was trying to get the boys to guess was "Nap". So the first hint that came to mind was "This is what Katie does for like 3 hours every Sunday!" And one of the dear guys yelled: "TALK!" As if that wasn't insulting enough, Jeremie next hint was: "It's what Katie's doing right now!" ...and the next answer yelled was: "CHEATING!" At this point, my feelings were almost hurt. (Not really.) Someone finally got the point and yelled "Nap" without any further humiliation.
The Guys at a Victory Brunch the next day: Jeremie, Alex, David, Charles
The girls also took a shopping trip recently to Thomasville, which is an adorable town about 30 minutes from Tallahassee. It reminds me of a larger Brookhaven with its cute shops and old fashioned buildings. We had lunch at a neat little deli, and even went wedding dress shopping, as one of the girls is engaged. This was so much fun and made me totally jealous that I have already gone through the whole ordeal. I absolutely loved my dress and can't imagine wearing anything else-but come on, girls NEVER get tired of trying on pretty dresses. Jessica, Melissa, and myself had to settle for these beauties.....(wink,wink, we grabbed the tackiest ones we could find.....)

The Dominators:

Jessica, Brandy, Patty, Christina, Melissa, Amanda & Ada
My last random posting is a salute to the beginning of turkey season. Jeremie got a new shotgun for his birthday and put it to good use on Monday morning, as he killed his first turkey! For those wanting details, it had a 9 inch beard! We are lookin' forward to some fried turkey soon.

I am ready for my turn now.......we had some shooting practice on Friday afternoon which went pretty well if I may so so myself. Here turkey, turkey.....