Listen. My
INTENTION with my blog began with weekly updates. I convinced myself I was overachieving, so I told myself monthly updates were we're down to quarterly. I hope Greyson does not take after my procrastination-ness. Actually, I'm not procrastinating, because I love to blog. But there's a certain mini-person that takes up most of my time, and by the time I put him down for bed, I'm totally brain dead. Actually, it's like two opposite feelings-I feel like I'm torn with immediately going to bed or completely getting the party started since those are my only couple of adult hours where I'm not singing "Chugga-chugga-choo-choo" or dancing to Ole McDonald.
I was at a mommy ministry thing the other day and the speaker suggested waking up BEFORE your child does to get things done and I think I laughed out laughed. Granted, I'm super thankful Greyson has been sleeping through the night lately, but I'm just not feeling called to do that yet.
Anyway, these last 3 months have been super busy. April showers were supposed to bring May flowers, but as you all saw on the news, it pretty much rained the ENTIRE month of May. But we managed to still get out and about when we could and had lots of fun; this stage of baby is just SO darlin'! Greyson is really babbling, making faces and doing the army crawl. Here's some fun times over the last quarter!
My little leprechaun! This St. Patty's Day was special because LAST year on St. Patty's Day was my first sonogram! |
Lil G had just rolled onto his tummy in the crib and totally surprised himself! |
Loves to look at his "aquarium". |
#crazyhairdontcare |
CC came to visit! They got all dressed up for Maroon Friday! |
"My future's so bright I gotta wear shades...." |
Our first selfie. We were excited because Daddy was on his way home! |
For a baby who HATED to be on his tummy....he's enjoying the view.... |
Our first trip to the zoo. Fun outing for the mamas but maybe a little too complicated for this age. We all had to stop and nurse by the Lemurs..... |
Loves to eat those toes! |
Wore this to hang with his Bible study peeps the Wednesday before Easter. |
These two are gonna be trouble I can tell. Boy is SMITTEN with his Daddy. And vice versa. |
All I can see in this pic is a mini version of MY dad....... |
We're eating all sorts of foods over here. His favorites are the savory: sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, squash, etc. I've actually enjoyed making my own baby food too! |
He's taken a liking to Manny. Verdicts still out whether Manny likes him. Pretty sure he doesn't. |
Helping mommy pick out paint colors. |
Sitting in a high chair for the first time! Hope he likes lunch dates! |
We also took our first lake trip! We went with our community group and got an awesome hook up on the MOST DARLIN lake house. Greyson did great; we put his pack 'n play in the master closet and he slept like......well, a baby... |
Greyson loves to spoon "Lambert" while he sleeps. I picked up this little stuffed sheep at Kroger one day after a set of shots and he is now a STAPLE for the crib. Unfortunate thing is I didn't buy two. Thinking about putting a microchip in Lambert.
And one morning Jeremie left for work while G was still asleep. He sent me a text asking for me to send him a pic when he wakes up. Well, here's what he got......
#truth #meltdown #itaintalwayspretty
And that's the short version of our March, April and May! Hope to have some super fun updates for June!
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