Week 3 is in the books! I can't even believe that June is already almost over!!! It has really flown by! I actually received a sale paper from U.S. Toy today that said "Back to School"..... and I was like NO MA'AM. Good grief, let us enjoy summer!!! I feel sure that immediately when the clock strikes midnight on July 4th, everything will be back to school related and they'll be trying to us sell sweaters and scarves while it's still 108 degrees.
Anyway-I'm looking back at these pics from Week 3, and like WHOA! THAT WAS ONLY ONE WEEK?! We were certainly trying to make up for lost time from being out of town!
Last Monday, I took Greyson to
Safari Run to get his wiggles out. This place is a huge indoor jungle gym with an arcade. It's great. But G is still a little too small and nervous to navigate the jungle gym without my help. So instead of sitting in the comfy chairs while G played
(like I envisioned), I was 30 feet in the air pirate-climbing a catwalk. Sadly, I did not get any pictures a midst the chaos, because I was as afraid for my phone's life as I was for mine. A giant plastic wrecking ball and the iPhone 7 just doesn't sound like a good match.
We did have a great time, and G especially enjoyed the motorcycle game at the arcade afterwards.
We pulled out the good ole Wal-Mart pool and splashed around. Greyson REALLY wanted me to "get in a swim", and I told him that'd be like trying to put a Great Whale in a fishbowl.
This place was not originally on our Bucket List, but we met up with some friends at the new
Oak Hills Splash Pad in Carrollton and it was a blast! It's got a a fun contraption with two slides, a small little water feature the tots can play in, and an awesome Pirate Ship playground! This place is FREE and fun, so we'll definitely be back!
G wasn't really into going down the slide, but he loved hanging out at the bottom where all the water was! |
Look at this amazing playground!!!
And wouldn't this be picture perfect if my little muffin didn't look so miserable?...Do you know what that face is saying? "I NEED A FIG BAR AND A NAP OR I'M ABOUT TO LOSE MY MIND and you'll regret ever bringing me here, Mom" |
Greyson was most entertained by these little riding toys. I looked up at one point and this little girl had joined him! I love how kids are free of inhibitions and just play together!
Friday we headed to
Tom Muehlenbeck so we could work on some swim skills. Look at my little beach babe.
I love this place because it's got a huge shallow area for the tots that is almost totally separate from the big pool. G is already much more comfortable in and around the water this year, so it's even more fun than it was last year. I still look at the moms sitting in the lounge chairs while their big kids safely swim on their own, and I'm like "Will that ever be me?" I'm not trying to rush it by any means, but it almost seems like that stage will never actually happen. But I'll be crying my eyes out one day when G wants to just be dropped off at the pool and doesn't need or want me in the water with him. (When that day comes, if ANY of you faithful readers are still following, you can remind me of this post!)
Friday night we left G with a sitter and hit out for bowling with our friends.
Funny story-After we left, I realized I'd forgotten my wallet in the beach bag, so we had to turn around and go get it. Greyson had been crying when we left so I didn't wanna go back inside. So I called the sitter and told her to just throw the beach bag on the front porch. When we pulled up, I realized the blinds were still open, and was like "Oh Lord, Greyson's still gonna see me!" So I BOOKED IT LIKE A BURGLAR across our front yard and grabbed the bag. Oh, the things we do for a Parent's Night Out.
The next day was actually my birthday, so naturally, I wanted to go to
Legoland. My friends made fun of me for this, but I really wanted Jeremie to be able to do this with us, and his work is about to explode. So family time actually sounded better than a facial on that day. (ON THIS DAY I WOULD CHOOSE THE FACIAL.)
Just kidding. We had a great time!
The Lego replica of Dallas/Ft. Worth is just unbelievable. I can't imagine how many hours went in to the planning and execution of this exhibit! It's unreal!
The 4D Movie was super cute!
And even though I'm not a big Star Wars fan, this exhibit was incredible too!
Greyson was big enough for 2 of the rides, but we sadly we only got to ride one. We were gonna do the other on the way out, but it was mysteriously "shut down" for 30 minutes. Well, 30 minutes to a hungry toddler may as well be 2 hours, so we split. That was a bit disappointing.
My official review of Legoland is 3 stars. I will say they've made a lot of improvements and updates since I took my friend and her little guy in 2015. It's not the biggest place in the world, so it gets crowded fast. Since it was raining, we didn't get to go out to the splash pad area, which G would have loved. (No fault of their own, though.) There is another activity called the "Forest Ranger Pursuit" where the kids can drive little battery operated jeeps. Greyson was DYING to do this, but you have to be 4 years old to drive them. I wish they would've announced/warned that the Kingdom Quest was closing too. They also totally skipped the exhibit when you come in and the machines actually make the Legos and spit them out. Greyson would have loved watching this. G was also not quite tall enough to go into the jungle gym area, which looked super fun. So all in all, even though we had a great time, I think G would enjoy it more when he's older.
Afterwards, we ate at the
Rainforest Cafe, which is within the mall. I had NEVER been to a Rainforest Cafe, and listen, I LOVED this! I'm sure they're about all the same, but I'm a sucker for atmosphere, and this place did not disappoint. They sat us in the tiger corner, and every 10 minutes or so, some or all of the "animals" would move and make their noises. Greyson was totally entranced. This is the best concept for child distraction while you dine!!! With all the decorations, aquariums, and animals, I thought this place was super cute!
The food was sort of pricey (they are selling the experience), and it was decent. I got a burger, which I always feel like is pretty safe. Overall, I'm so glad we went!
I came home and opened gifts, cards, and ate the most fabulous Ice Cream cake ever! Jeremie nailed it with this one!
That afternoon we swam at a friend's pool, which made our poor Wal-Mart pool seem more miserable than it already is.....
Greyson INSISTS on wearing his goggles because he is a "Scuba Diver" |
This week we've been playing a lot of "Firefighter"...
He tells me I can wear the "special hat"...(how clever, he's trying to convince me the cheap flimsy one is "special") while he wears the good one. We also have to wear our "masks" for air. This boy is SOOOO in to firefighting. |
We've had swim lessons almost every day this week and Greyson finally turned a corner. Apparently a Twix and a Paw Patrol toy is the ticket. Just kidding. Sort of. Just like everything else, I think that when Greyson decides on something, he's good. And he's decided he likes to swim and he likes Ms. Patty. I've been working with him on praying and so when he told me he was scared on the way to swim, I said "What do we do when we're scared?" And he said "Pray to God." So we did. We asked God to make him brave.....tear...tear...tear....
And when we got in the car afterwards, he said "I BRAVE". |
Also on our Bucket List this week was a picnic at
The Star , which is the Cowboys headquarters in Frisco. They have an outdoor football field that's a replica of the stadium field...it's always open to the public! So we grabbed some Sonic, put on a Prescott jersey, and ran some drills.
Just kidding. Sort of.
So fun that this is only a 10 minute drive away. (And FYI-for those of you with older boys...they do VIP tours of the facility that I hear are fun!)
Our friends met us there and it was more photo shoots gone wrong....
Little Issac and Greyson are just 3 weeks apart and big buddies.... |
Although the turf was like playing ON FIRE, we had a great time and Greyson talked about it all afternoon...
And that's it for Week 3! Even though Summer has me like #WHOA and I never know what day it is when I wake up, we are having a ball. These are memories and days I know I will always cherish!
Hope your Summer O' Fun is a BIG HIT and I'd love to hear what y'all are up to!