Today I'm linking up with
Erika for Friday Favorites!!! Here are some of my random favorite moments from this week!
Nothing kicks of a good blog post like some darlin' baby photos, right? Here are a few of my favorite snapshots this week!
Greyson was very excited that his Daddy was on the way home. (My dramatic rendition of Ole McDonald had a Farm probably also had something to do with it....) |
Greyson was "helping" me fold clothes. He looks guilty because he had just pulled down a stack of bibs. |
And this might be an all time favorite. We were at a play date on Thursday and I loved G's outfit, so told my friend, Jorie to snap a picture. She was desperately trying to make him laugh/smile, so she made this hilarious pig noise and it obviously worked. Thank you Aunt Jorie for sacrificing your dignity to get my child to smile.
TWO Speaking of photos of the babe, my sister and I did a DARLING Easter photo shoot of Greyson. (That's a whole 'nother post!) So Jeremie was telling me on the way home from church on Sunday that he's gonna train Greyson to hate taking pictures. I quickly made my stand for photo shoots. I argued that as much POOP, PEE and other bodily fluids that I clean up for that babe should earn me at LEAST 4 photo shoots per year: Christmas, Easter, Birthday, and a Wild Card. (This of course does not include random cell phone pics.) Jeremie still thinks this is ridiculous but I'm holding my ground.
THREE My favorite mommy moment is actually a chaotic moment that I'm laughing about now but wasn't laughing about then! Even though my little guy looks like a sweet cherub in the above pictures, he did give mommy dearest somewhat of a hard time this week. Child decided he was gonna skip his afternoon naps ALL WEEK even though he was a HOT MESS in need of an afternoon nap! It wore me out! Anyway, riding in the car does make him sleep, so during Wednesday's hissy fit, I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and load him up to go pick up Manny from doggy daycare. Sure enough, the little mister fell asleep and I figured I'd milk the nap as long as I could, so I went to Sonic to waste some time and get a Strawberry Limeade. I was pretty much planning on getting my drink, and perhaps even leaning my seat back and enjoying a few quiet moments before the witching hour. Well, the Sonic boy skated up to my window with such ferver that it sent Manny into panic mode and he started barking like crazy. Cue Greyson and his wailing. I just wanted to cry at that moment. Now I laugh.
FOUR . Listen.
I've had stressful full time jobs. But as a mom, there’s something
about that moment at the end of the day when you're watching a SLEEPING baby on the
monitor and you finally get to sit back, relax, and have a moment all to
yourself! I celebrate this small victory every night with a yummy treat. Most nights, it's a Swiss Miss K-cup. This
week has been caramel Cadbury eggs, and tonight were these YUMMY mini-pies from Trader Joes! HELLO.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! |
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