Looking back at 2017, we had quite a year. Greyson transformed from babbling baby to a talkative, independent toddler. (The changes from two to three are amazing.) Jeremie's business officially launched and is full steam ahead. We had some getaways, did some of our favorite traditions, and made wonderful memories. There were also some painful times and tough struggles, but as always, the Lord was present and waiting. Waiting to strengthen, waiting to comfort, waiting to provide peace. I've been in Romans 8 this week with BSF, which talks about the Spirit working within you and though you. And I realized that I need to "keep in step" (Galatians 5:25) with the Spirit at all times. It's easy for me to feel joyful, thankful, and in a "good mood" when things are going right, but when circumstances are tough, I tend to let that dictate my attitude. I tend to write seasons off as "Well, this is just going to be a bad season"...or I just have my head set on "getting through it". By doing that, I miss the every day JOYS of ordinary life. And trust me, with a three year old, there are so many precious moments to cherish during the day. (Even the "bad" days.)
So that's one of my goals for 2018. To live life TO THE FULL. Even Christ says: "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10). If He is the light of the world, and He lives inside of me, I should radiate His light. I know this is going to be ESPECIALLY hard this year with a newborn. Even with the thrills and joys of a newborn, the newborn stage brings loss of routine, isolation, sleep deprivation; essentially ALL the circumstances change. I will struggle in this. So I'm already praying that I can embrace the change and let the Spirit work peace and joy through me during this time.
On a lighter note, I do have all the fun and typical New Year's goals this year! I'm in full nesting mode right now; I want all the cabinets purged and cleared out! I don't know if I'll actually be able to accomplish all this, but I am gonna try to have a reckoning with a lot of my JUNK.
In reality, my Goals before Baby Taylor is born (so within the next 3 months) are:
1) Transform Guest Bedroom into Greyson's "Big Boy Room"
2) Put crib back together and transform boy nursery into.....GIRL NURSERY! YAY!
3) Organize/store/clear all pictures on computer and phone. (Something tells me I'm gonna need the storage space.) I do NOT look forward to this task.
4) Review all insurance/phone/subscriptions/TV plans. I feel like we set them up so long ago, that there might be changes we can make to save money here and there.
5) Finish Greyson's playroom. That's right. I said I'd never have one. But the super mature un-used "Home Office" is now baby-gated and has ALL THE BINS for ALL THE TOYS. #adulting #parenthood #babyjail
Ok! So let's briefly relive 2017, shall we? I love looking through all the monthly recaps. It really is fun (and sometimes scary) to look back at a year of life to see what all has taken place.
I'm looking through some of my 2017 pictures/posts and you know what I'm thinking??? SKINNY. At almost 26 weeks pregnant and over 20 pounds heavier (I can say that because I'm pregnant), I look at myself from last year and I'm a little jealous. Bless it. Maybe I will see those jeans again. Maybe not. Heaven knows.
So here we go! (You can click on each month to read the full riveting details.)
In January, Greyson got the stomach virus SO terribly that it sent us to Children's Hospital twice. It was a nightmare, and seeing this little guy so sick just broke my heart. I shiver at the mere thought of January. Just the word January smells like vomit to me. I sure hope this January is different.
By February, we were on the road to recovery, so Jeremie and I took a little weekend getaway to Houston and we did a family trip to the zoo and the rodeo. What a calm month. How delightful.
March brought lots of park trips, Cowboy Day, grocery store tantrums, and our refrigerator went out. We did make our annual Spring Break trip to Mississippi, where I established the first Annual "Professional Development Day". (Essentially a day where I dump my kid with someone else and get my hair cut and do whatever I want to do. I highly recommend you mark yours on the calendar.)

APRIL. OH APRIL. If January smells like vomit, then April definitely smells like a whole bunch of pee. We began potty training on April Fools Day. And I'm pretty sure the emoji I would use for the month would be...

We spent Easter in Mississippi, which was a last minute decision, but just what we needed to come up for air with the stress of potty training. (Speaking of coming up for air, Greyson did fall in my in-laws pool that weekend.) Anyway, I am proud to update the world that Greyson has been fully potty trained for several months now and it is great not to be changing diapers...well, for at least another 3 months. ; )
May was crazy and busy. We celebrated our Mother's Day, our 8 year anniversary, ended school, started summer, and celebrated Memorial Day with a last minute weekend getaway to the Adolphus, where we played in the pool and ate lots of watermelon. J built us a sandbox and we took an emergency trip to the doctor on a Saturday morning due to a mosquito bite that had G's eye swollen shut. Sounds pretty typical, right?

We really kicked off our "Summer O Fun" in June, by hitting splash pads, the pool, the Cowboys practice field, and even started swim lessons! We celebrated Father's Day and my birthday with a trip to Legoland and Rainforest Cafe. That's what happens when you get older, you pick things on your own birthday that you know your kids will love. ; ) We made our annual summer trip to Mississippi , and took Greyson to his very first movie on Father's Day.

July was full of more pool time, playdates, and the most fabulous beach vacation with our family. I even got to sneak away for a few days with my ole Tallahassee girlfriends who I haven't seen in 5 years! It was incredible!

By August, I was sorta losing my mind waiting for school to start. And now I can reveal that I had found out I was pregnant that month, hence the picture of delicious French Toast. (Apparently this is my ultimate pregnancy craving.). I was a little behind on my August recap: a foreshadowing of what the entire first trimester would be like. It TOOK ME DOWN Y'ALL.

September was full of pumpkins, festivals, and nap times on my part. We took a trip to the Hyatt Lost Pines for a Labor Day getaway, and it was just what our little growing family needed! We also met my parents in Ruston and took Greyson to his first MSU football game! He loved it and it was a much better experience than I anticipated with a toddler!

We boarded the crazy train in October, and to be honest, I feel like we just got off. This month really started the holiday season shuffle, as we celebrated Greyson's birthday, Halloween, and all the theme days that come with it. Jeremie and I did manage to sneak down to College Station for the Aggie game while Greyson had his first sleepover with Aunt Jorie and Preston. Greyson thoroughly enjoyed October and all the costumes that came with it.
November was a WHIRLWIND. We had G's THIRD birthday party, took a trip to Waco, then Fayetteville, found out we were having a girl, and muscled through Thanksgiving with the worst sinus infection EVER.

Nona came to rescue us on December 1st...and then....
December 2nd. I got the call that my precious Grammy had passed away. It was indeed expected but the hardest news to accept. I can assure you that she lived a long life full of all the things she probably ever dreamed of: a devoted, loving husband, children, grandchildren, cross-country travels, and years of fun traditions and beautiful memories. I want to emulate her sassy, loving spirit, and her talent of making even the most simple things something special.
We did get to enjoy a lot of our favorite Christmas traditions This December, including The Polar Express, our Downtown Dallas overnight, Christmas movie day, looking at Christmas lights, and my Annual Girls Pajama Party. Greyson even got to experience his first "real" snow while we were in Mississippi.

Whew! And that was 2017! What a fun way to look back at the ups, downs, and in betweens.
I can't believe that we'll be adding another family member in just a little over three months! Our monthly updates are about to look very different! A little baby and a lot of crazy is certainly awaiting us!
I hope that you are having a wonderful New Year so far! Here's to 2018!
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